Enjoy some of my short stories and poems to give you a break from the busy day. Comment and share - I hope they inspire you!

Leaves of Friendship
fall into place
at certain times
in certain ways
Quietly covering pains
celebrating little gains
decorating our lives in different shapes
with a perfect size.
Leaves of Friendship
double our joy
with their colors
share our sorrows
by providing shade
when trials weary us.
May we recognize
the leaves of friendship
when they fall across
our path
May we not rush to
rake them aside
for, in their own way
with their style and beauty
They can bless and heal
our weary feet
preventing us
From walking alone.

Emotion made his voice waver, power shaking his deep voice, and he stopped himself for a moment. He cleared his throat and held back another thought, shaking his head and swallowing hard before looking up at the angel again.
“You know where you are? You’re in hell.”