My meeting with Dion, although random, ended up being one of the best things that happened after being published. Our chats soon made us realize that, although we come from vastly different worlds, we both share the same deep passion to create.
'The Cheeze' as I have nicknamed him, also sports a passion for fashion and is upgrading to include Cow Got Cash clothing line so you can not only dress in style, but find a great book to go with your amazing new outfit!
Thanks, Dion, for the chance to write with you and for all your help in my journey - you're amazing!!
Click here to go check out Dion's latest 'Caught Slippin' - a hilarious tale where the worst possible tragedy can equate to success...
Talk Amongst
My Selves
A podcast documenting our journey
Leaves of Friendship
fall into place
at certain times
in certain ways
Quietly covering pains
celebrating little gains
decorating our lives in different shapes
with a perfect size.
Leaves of Friendship
double our joy
with their colors
share our sorrows
by providing shade
when trials weary us.
May we recognize
the leaves of friendship
when they fall across
our path
May we not rush to
rake them aside
for, in their own way
with their style and beauty
They can bless and heal
our weary feet
preventing us
From walking alone.